Mounting Frame and Freedomshields


                2022-2025 Indian Chief

This shows the mounting frame and fork mounts

with a Freedomshield. Each item is sold seperately.

This shows the mounting frame with a Freedomshield. If your bike has black covers on the forks, you will not need the fork mounting kit.

This is the fork mounting kit. If your bike has plain chrome forks (1 3/4" tubes) you will need this kit to attach the frame to. Indian includes the shield mounting kit on the more expensive Chiefs. You may also be able to buy the mounting kit from Indian. Or you can order this kit.

part #22ChiefShldForkMnt  $229.95 plus $8.95 shipping

The frame allows you to mount an Indian shield or the Freedomshield. The frame allows you to adjust the tilt angle of the shield. It is required you have 6mm threaded holes on the upper sides of each fork. If you have plain chrome fork tubes you will need to buy our fork mounting kit also.

The shield frame part #22ChiefShldFrame

$279.95 plus $24.95 shipping

Freedomshield is the best choice for a windscreen. The Freedomshield has a reverse curve at the top that kicks the wind up and over your head. This allows you to look over the top of the shield. We are a dealer for these and can supply the proper shield for your needs. For now you can call for help in choosing the correct size. After awhile we will have a guidance chart available. The shield start at $199.95 p;us $49.95 shipping. Choose your size and color below.


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Fork Mounting Kit