Quick Release Luggage Rack
2022-23 Chief
This rack is designed for the new look of the Chief. It uses a quick release system that takes about 30 seconds to install or remove. Once mounted it is very secure and extremely strong. It is much wider than other luggage racks. This makes it easier to mount and secure luggage or boxes. It is made from HDPE plastic. This is the same as cutting boards are made of but is 3/4" thick and all black. This rack has be designed with room for most aftermarket seats that reach back a ways. Please note that it requires fender spools on each side of the rear fender. This is where the brackets attach and are quick release.
part# Chief22QRrack $299.95 plus $34.95 shipping
Please note that international customers must set up a U.S. shipping address. You can use a company such as www.myUS.com
We also offer this in the tall version to fit over a 2 up seat. It looks the same but is taller and is still quick release.
part# Chief22TallQRrack $329.95 plus $39.95 shipping